Sunday, June 29, 2014

Its just as hot here in Las Vegas as it was at home so we've pretty much stayed indoors. We did some shopping at the commissary where the majority of the things are cheaper than a civilian store.
One of the military benefits is to be able to shop at the BX where you can buy items that are mostly cheaper and not pay tax. Since my freezer is full we bought a smallish ice chest that we can keep ice in.

Base chapel
We went to the Sunday service a the base chapel today.The chaplain spoke on resisting temptation. Nice service and nice friendly people.

Saturday, June 28, 2014

Leaving Lake Havasu and escaping the HEAT!!!

This summer we got a delayed start. We usually leave the end of May but this year there were things that had to be done first so June 27 became our departure day. Maybe just in time...the weatherman said next week will be even hotter.

We will spend the first 3 nights in Las Vegas so Dick can renew his military ID and we can do a little shopping. It's nice to just lay back and relax a bit after the frantic "getting ready activity" of the last few days.
Entering Las Vegas, you can see the Strip in the background. It's rather hazy and hot. It will be nice to be on our way north to cooler places.