Sunday, August 31, 2014

Oregon State Fair.

"tail end" of a horse exhbition
 I didn't take a lot of photos but we had a fun day at the fair. Lots of animals, crafts, things to buy, and lots to see and do. Despite the on and off rain the fair attracted quite a large crowd.
This quilt, one of many, many on exhibition, won a blue ribbon

I used to enter my goats in the 4H fair when I was little.
This toggenberg goat, the same as I used to raise, just was cute as anything.

can't have a fair without a ferris wheel.

more toggenberg goats

grand championship judging of sheep. The on on the far left won.


Tuesday, August 26, 2014

Beatty Family

Wendy, Jason, Ryan and Derek

Oregon Museum of Science and Industry 8/25/14

Ryan creating a little family

Dick, Wendy, Ryan and Derek

Derek having fun in the sandbox

Dick created another St Louis arch

Ryan loved the money in the play store

Ryan playing in the sandbox

The Beattys, Aug, 2014

Jason, Wendy, Ryan and Derek, 8/14
Derek's top teeth are coming in

Derek and his bottom teeth

Ryan and his cool hat

Derek showing his bottom teeth

Day at the Oregon Zoo

Derek is having a great time


elephant family






Ryans not too sure about this goat

Tiger and a new toy they threw in his enclosure right before this photo was taken.
He really had a good time playing with it

Dick and Ryan are standing in front of a water fountain that thew water on them.

Saturday, August 23, 2014

Afternoon Tea at Myrtles Tea Room with Wendy

 What a great time, a 3 course meal with wonderful little tea sandwiches and an assortment of delicious desserts along with the hugest choice of teas I've ever seen.
such  pretty tea cups

Wendy and Jasons

Wendy has the biggest dahlias I've ever seen

Ryan loves driving our truck

Friday, August 22, 2014

Our Last Day in Westport, Washington

All the painting is done and we have received many compliments on how nice the buildings look now.

The 3 Tenors- 3 seals barking their heads off

This Fresnal Lens is now in a museum in Westport. The info to the right gives a summary of the use of the lens. It was in the lighthouse above which is actually a picture of a picture.