Tuesday, September 16, 2014

Out and About in Estacada

There has been a big forest fire close to where we are, burned about 3000 acres, mostly all forest. The fire is not under control today (9/16) and lots of people are in shelters and camping out in tents and in their RVs. The parks are full of folks escaping the flames
looking out over the back of the Forrar's house, that's smoke not fog
Carolynne and I...she was my best friend from high school. She and her husband live not far from where we are staying in Estacada, OR

Dwayne and Valerie at the Rhapsody on the Vineyards Day in Corvallis. You buy your wine glasses and tickets for tasting the various wines. You  carry your glass with you around the town and sample all different kinds of wine in various stores.

Ella found a dog on the sidewalk

Ethan tried it out too

Zoe and Toby have become the best of friends.

The notorious 15 layer cake that the men like to get at the Tollgate Restaurant  in Sandy, OR. 

Monday, September 8, 2014

Monday in Oregon

Zoe and Toby are like the best of friends already, enjoying the view out of the window

Toby, just the cutest little ball of fur

Zoe has decided she likes to watch tv from on top of her scratch bar
Beautiful Moon Last Night

Saturday, September 6, 2014

Mt Hood

A visit to Oregon is never complete without a visit to Mt Hood and the terrific buffet at the Timberline Lodge. Not much snow this year or maybe we're just visiting late in the summer

W also visit the Mt Hood winery where they have our very favorite wines. You can barely see Mt Hood in the background.

We are Pleased To Announce The Adoption of 2 New Members of the Hawkin's Household

This is Toby and he is 11 1/2 weeks old


This is Zoe and she is 4 1/2 months old


They are both just adorable and are having a great time together. Poppy however isn't so thrilled as they seem to be taking pleasure in wanting her to join in their playtime and she isn't at all interested. Zoe thinks Poppy's tail is a great play toy and wants to play with it in the worst way. Poppy isn't willing to be a play toy for any cat. They are great fun to watch. Traveling in the truck with all of them should be interesting.

Wednesday, September 3, 2014

Poppy and Spot

Our friends Bette and Ron have an adorable 3 month old kitten. I wanted to see how Poppy would react if I brought the kitten into the 5th wheel. The kitten checked out every corner first and then climbed into Poppy's bed
Then she decided she wanted to make friends with Poppy and stalked her for a bit checking out this big animal
Finally she got brave and decided to just move in. Poppy is pretending there is no cat anywhere around. The cat went on to try in the worst way to play with Poppy's tale. Poppy tolerated it for a bit then got up and walked way.