Saturday, July 26, 2014

Surfer Dude
We are  thrilled with our new beach home
Beautiful beach
Brave stand up paddle boarder challenging the waves, he fell in right after I took the photo.
We did our 5 mile bike ride to the beach and along the lovely bike path that parallels the beach. Beautiful day at the beach. It's a sunny Saturday and there are lots of folks on the beach.

I'm making a seafood chowder, hope it comes out good.

Friday, July 25, 2014

The sun is out and it's a lovely day. We took a bike ride down by the beach and I collected  a lot of sand dollars.
Waves on the getty on the bay
This is where you get the freshest tuna ever, right off the boat.
 my artistic rendering of a surfer we saw on the beach
We found lots of sand dollars
the bay
great bike path right next to the ocean

Tuesday, July 22, 2014

Lovely day by the ocean. We were interviewed by the owner of the park and it looks like we aren't going to be here long enough to be trained to use all the equip in the office and all the other things that need to be done. Perhaps we'll come next year and be workcampers.

We took a 6 mile bike ride today. So nice o ride by the ocean. We got a fantastic deal on fresh tuna right off the boat. Dick grilled some of it...  delicious.
Grey Harbor Light House. The tallest lighthouse in the state of Washington

Monday, July 21, 2014

Today we drove about 300 miles and finally got to the west coast of Washington and settled into our campground in Westport. When we were checking in they asked if we were workcampers and if we were interested we could work 2 6hr days a week in exchange for free camping. We drove around a little to see if it was someplace we'd want to stay. We had been here a few years ago just for a day. We will talk to the owner tomorrow and if all goes well we may stay here for a month.

                  On the way here we passed some interesting sights.
Highway 12 through the Cascades

Mt Rainier

Tea Pot Dome National Monument
commemorates a bribery incident that took place from 1920-1923 involving bribes the Sect of the Interior took from the oil companies.

Sunday, July 20, 2014

The house Dick lived in in Kennewick

Bridges over the Columbia River

Funny RV at our campground. 

T33 trainer and Thunderchief
F102- Delta Dagger
More photos from Fairchild Air Force Base.

Friday, July 18, 2014

There is terrible fires burning to the west of us. The blue sky is obscured by a greyish smoke cover and you can smell the smoke. Over 100 homes are destroyed at this point but that number will surely increase. We planned to go right through where the fire is burning and will find a different route o get to the coast. We're debating about leaving earlier than we planned.
Today, the 18th, we went into Spokane and walked around Riverfront Park. It's the site of the 1974 Expo.
July 13 we arrived in Spokane and settled into the Famcamp at Fairchild AFB. For the first few days we just stayed in the 5th wheel and read, watched TV and hid from the heat. On July 16 our friends Fred and Pat came down from Canada to visit for a few days. On Thursday we rented a pontoon boat from outdoor recreation and took it out on Clear Lake. Captain Dick took the wheel and masterfully steered us around the lake. We had a picnic lunch and just enjoyed a relaxing time on the water.

Monday, July 14, 2014

Dick and I forgot we were very out of shape and decided to take a long bike ride one day. We rode 10 miles down to a little cafe where they serve the best homemade pie. W shared a sour cream raisin meringue pie. Yummy. I didn't make it back, at 18 miles my knees just died and Dick had to go and get the truck. 1 1/2 miles from the campground he had a flat tire and had to walk his bike back. Not our best day.

Poppy had a great time in the grass and flowers.

A really pretty stream ran along the side of our RV park.

We went to visit our friends Gary and Gloria who live in Corvallis about 45 min from our campground. We had a nice visit and they fed us a delicious meal.
There's still snow up in the mountains. Nice to see when you live in the desert.

On July 6 we arrived in Lolo, Mt and spent a week visiting with Dick's aunt and uncle. This is their home. They have 17 acres with beautiful views. 
Ruthie, Marty, their son Ken and Dick and Pam in the back.
Marty and Ruthie with Betty who moved in to care for them.
She is an absolute angel.

Tuesday, July 8, 2014

On the way to Montana we drove through the Crater of the Moon National Monument. Miles of lava and basaltic rock thrown up from eruptions in crevices in the earth. Kind of a grim place but interesting

Sunday, July 6, 2014

This morning we went to church at a Calvary Chapel  in a little town in Challis, Idaho. It's such a small town that there is no supermarket there and the pastor's wife drives 2 1/2 hrs once a month to shop at a Walmart in Idaho Falls. It gets so cold there that it can drop to -35 in the winter. Kids go to school until it gets to -20 and then they reconsider. The church had about 40-50 people. All the men had jeans on with their cowboy belts and some had their cowboy boots on. Very friendly people.
Driving on Rt 93 on the way to Montana.

We're in Lolo Montana now and will be here for  days. Lots of people to visit. Dick's aunt and uncle, my granddaughter and her new husband who is battling cancer and our friends Gary and Gloria. They have a supermarket here that I love with the best selection of food in bims eer. They have dried beans there that I've never seen before. Nic to be settled for a few days.

Driving through the desert in Nevada

We drove on to Twin Falls, Idaho where we stayed in an RV campground outside the town for a few days over the 4th of July. Twin Falls is a pretty town and we drove around quite a bit just to explore. Its a very agricultural area with many farms. Some of the towns are known to smell like the cattle who graze there. The population is supposed to be smaller than in Lake Havasu but there is every kind of store and restaurant there. On of the really pretty places to visit is Shoshone Falls. In the spring when they get snow melt the falls is at it's best but it sure was pretty even now.

Shoshone Falls

Shoshone Falls with rainbow
This is a old one lane bridge over the Snake River