Sunday, July 6, 2014

This morning we went to church at a Calvary Chapel  in a little town in Challis, Idaho. It's such a small town that there is no supermarket there and the pastor's wife drives 2 1/2 hrs once a month to shop at a Walmart in Idaho Falls. It gets so cold there that it can drop to -35 in the winter. Kids go to school until it gets to -20 and then they reconsider. The church had about 40-50 people. All the men had jeans on with their cowboy belts and some had their cowboy boots on. Very friendly people.
Driving on Rt 93 on the way to Montana.

We're in Lolo Montana now and will be here for  days. Lots of people to visit. Dick's aunt and uncle, my granddaughter and her new husband who is battling cancer and our friends Gary and Gloria. They have a supermarket here that I love with the best selection of food in bims eer. They have dried beans there that I've never seen before. Nic to be settled for a few days.

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