Saturday, May 20, 2017

The Grand Canyon
May 19, 2017

What a great day. We woke up to find a layer of snow on everything. This is a rare site to us desert dwellers.
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The snow didn't last long and we had a beautiful sunny day to see the Grand Canyon. Because it  was our 16th anniversary we decided to make it a really fun day so we took the train up. The train cars are all refurbished cars from many years ago. They buy up all the old cars they can find and either refurbish them or use them for the parts that are no longer available. 

It's a 2 1/2 hr trip up to the Grand Canyon and they entertain you with music, jokes and other fun entertainment.

There was a family from Germany with 2 small children on the train with us. The father spoke good English so we talked with him about his visit to the US. Foreigners love to come and see our National Parks and this family was taking 6 weeks to tour the coast of CA and some of the parks. When they came back on the train for the trip back to Williams they were totally in awe of what they had seen. The husband said, "America IS great". Nice to see the National Park through the eyes of someone from another country.
This is the bottom of the canyon where people who hike down there end up. Wish I could do that hike.

This little squirrel was so cute. He was a great beggar and would go right up to people's food and either stand up and beg or just go right to what he wanted to eat. He wasn't timid at all and people were grabbing up their food before he got into it.

On the train on the way back we were ROBBED. It was awful. Masked bandits came right onto the train and stole our mone

It was a great day and a memorable anniversary

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